Modern Managers Consulting & Development (LLC)
Importance of Project Management Competency?
Project management has become a driving, irreplaceable, here-to-stay discipline within organizations. It is a way of doing business that will continue to be inculcated and ingrained into each of our organizations. The methods, systems, and processes related to project management are not cut and dried. They need to be dynamic, scalable, and repeatable. But more important, they need to take every possible creative twist to make them amenable to the people who are required to use them day in and day out.
Project Management Competencies (PMC) both technical and human behavioral, are key to getting the job done. The new awareness that organizations are becoming project driven has heightened the visibility of project management within the business community. This greater visibility brings with it an increasingly larger audience of people who are interested in learning how to work within a project environment. In fact, so many organizations are instituting internal project management implementation initiatives for a variety of reasons, including these:
- Project management is necessary for continued competitive growth within the marketplace.
- Project management is a core competency that has been recognized as critical to support an organization’s internal infrastructure.
Almost by definition, innovation relies on project management! Irrespective of whether the innovation concerns a new product, or a new process, or indeed a contribution to pure science, better project management, on the whole, will see a successful outcome reached more quickly, having consumed fewer resources.
How can we help?
In many organizations, project delays, over spending, resource conflicts and poor project execution make a strategic plan difficult to implement. Adopting common processes and best practices enables organizations to maximize their performance with minimized cost. That way, there is a very little learning curve for the project manager and the team members as they transition from one project to another.
Adopting our 4Ps methodology, we support our partners by building projects using a very mature and reliable centralized project and program management systems throughout the entire project life cycle, starting from concept phase.
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